Come make new friends and celebrate our multicultural world at West Side Wednesday on May 3! Join us at Cherokee Heights Elementary School (694 S. Charlton St.) from 5:30-7:30 pm (note the time change from other West Side Wednesday events) Cherokee Park United Church will be there with our puppet friends, encouraging all to look for us in the upcoming Cinco de Mayo Parade Bring your friends, neighbors and family to enjoy a delicious dinner, activities for all ages, and the opportunity to learn more about our local schools and community organizations. For more information about West Side Wednesday, call 651-500-1059 or e-mail
Spring Art Fest: Healing Spirit; Hidden Wounds
Cherokee Park United Church will sponsor a Spring Art Fest April 28 through June 4. The exhibit is entitled Healing Spirit; Hidden Wounds. Alice Savitski will show her Mixed Media art in the sanctuary. Ellie Leonardsmith will display photos from her project What We Hide in the Parent’s Room. Both exhibits focus on human struggles and healing connections through art. The Art Fest is part of the St. Paul Art Crawl on Friday, April 28, 6 to 10 pm and Saturday, April 29, 12 to 8 pm. Both artists will talk about their works starting at 7 pm that Friday. The exhibit will be open on Sundays and by appointment through June 4. Please bring your friends and come to see this amazing art.
Mardi Gras & ASDIC Fundraiser
Inquirer’s Class
Wondering about membership at Cherokee Park United Church? A two session Inquirer’s class will be held on Sundays, February 12 and 19 at 6 to 8 pm. We will meet in the Parent’s Room, accessible by the Manomin Street door. Learn about the history, connections, and common life of this vital faith community. Please contact Pastor Joy at or 651 227-4275 to register for the class.
Community Connections and Conversation: Climate Change and Our Response.
Join us from 4 to 7 pm on Saturday, February 11 in the Social Hall.. We will screen Leonardo DiCaprio and Fisher Steven’s film Before the Flood. After sharing a light soup supper, a Cherokee Park United member active in environmental issues will facilitate a discussion about this compelling issue. Please invite your families, friends, and neighbors. (Suggested age 10 years and over). A free-will offering will be taken for the meal. Please contact the church at with questions.
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