Cherokee Park United sees anti-racism work as confessional – acknowledging that racism is a violation of covenant and the relationship humans owe each other in their interdependence. Racism denies another’s humanity, worth, and godliness. Racism is a violation of justice. We seek to move beyond a superficial understanding of racism through continued study, reflection, and dialogue on social, personal, institutional, and systemic racism. We strive to understand and undermine a racial framework that privileges white identity over the many identities of People of Color.
Cherokee Park United’s commitment to antiracism and multicultural work includes the following:
- A partnership with Anti Racism Study Dialogue Circles (ASDIC). For more information visit
- A founding sponsor of the annual Overcoming Racism Conference, now organized by a collaboration called FREC (Facilitating Racial Equity Collaborative). CPUC remains one of the sponsors and FREC’s Fiscal Agent. For more information visit
A supportive relationship with the Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Community. The church hosts the closing feast for the annual wacipi (pow wow). In recent years CPUC held two Truth Telling Forums with Dakota elders.
- An annual worship service and celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. with Grace Community/ Clark Memorial UCC.
- Sensitive, informed sharing of music and art in order to create a welcoming atmosphere for people of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
- An annual bilingual worship service in memory of Monsignor Romero