We are a boldly and proudly LGBTQI+ inclusive faith community, welcoming and sharing God’s love for everyone across all orientations and identities, that find themselves here with us for any reason, from the curiously shy, to members, leaders, or pastors.
You are enough, just as you are.
Celebrate and bless our rainbow flag, welcoming all LGBTQI+ people, regardless of your comfort with churchy stuff, or particularly if you are looking because of past experiences.
Annually marching the Twin Cities Pride Parade with the Minnesota United Church of Christ community, and this year respectfully holding still during Black Lives Matter’s peaceful protests.
Celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility, including the day’s sermon provided by a transgender elder and council member. Oh, and including awesome pink and blue cupcakes!
Often including music in our Sunday services affirming LGBTQ children, and all.
Welcoming anyone identifying along the spectrum of feminine identity to the women’s affinity group and annual women’s retreat.
Choosing to not perform civil marriages until we could marry everyone, and the first marriage performed after helping to pass marriage equality was the celebration of two groomsmen.
Labeling bathrooms all gender, well before it was the norm.
Adopting a formal statement of Affirmation and Inclusion (1997)
Covenanting with Presbyterian More Light and United Church of Christ Open and Affirming communities