Our Creator sculpted the Earth, painted the sky, and sings to us in the wind. Creation and creating through art is an expression of spirit through the artist. We celebrate this expression in all its forms.

Any time you visit, you will see works of art hanging on our walls. These works may be from an art show or from our permanent collection. Whether a particular piece has an explicitly religious subject, explores an everyday moment, or reflects an abstract expression of a wordless idea, we find that surrounding ourselves with many different expressions of art from many different artists enhances our worship experience in innumerable ways.
Music can touch us in ways beyond words. We sing a blend of music from around the world as well as more traditional hymns. A cantor leads the congregation in song and our choir shares special music on a regular basis. Our creative music director plays other instruments such as harp, world drums, and ukulele. She welcomes interested people in a drumming ensemble. Children and adults who play other instruments are welcome to share their talents during worship or at other events.